What Just Happened: Finding the Riches in Everyday Life 

A 5-week writing adventure with Nina Wise
Thursdays, April 3 – May 1
10:30am–12pm Pacific Time, on Zoom

Overwhelmed by the news of the world and the complexities of modern existence, we tend to overlook the extraordinary nature of everyday life. In this 5-week workshop, we will invite the stories of daily life to  reveal themselves and the meaning  that lies hidden in plain sight. 

As Rilke put it in Letters to a Young Poet, “If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it … for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor, indifferent place.”  

Writing is an unparalleled path of self-discovery. When we learn to pay attention to detail and reflect on the richness of being alive, we gain a wider, deeper, more powerful sense of who we are and what we know. 

Using weekly writing prompts and targeted, personal guidance, What Just Happened will increase your ability to:

  • Appreciate all that life presents to you

  • Transform what ails you into what heals you

  • Craft compelling narratives and improve your storytelling skills

  • Discover insights that lie lurking in the subconscious

  • Give voice to your inner life and feel more free

In an atmosphere of creativity and mutual support, Nina will guide you through a series of mind-and-heart opening writing prompts. She brings 40-plus years of experience as a performance artist, author and teacher to her sensitive and penetrating work with students.

Nina taps into so much pent-up, boxed in joy and creativity. She is salve for the soul.
— Lana, Student, January 2021

Five Thursdays on Zoom, April 3 – May 1, 10:00–11:30 PT

Registration is accessed through the Motion Theater website.

"Nina created an atmosphere of trust, authenticity, connection, and warmth which enabled each of us to become more aware of our truth, to be brave, and to overcome shame and shyness."

— Emilie Zauberman, Paris


Nina is available to anyone interested in creating a performance work, editing writing, developing skills and confidence in public speaking and presentations, enhancing creative expression … whatever your project or goal may be, Nina will help you see it through.

Registration is accessed through the Motion Theater website.


We at Motion believe that every writer, from absolute beginner to award winning published authors, deserve to experiment in a safe and supportive environment in order to develop their craft. So Motion writing workshops follow the guidelines and principals of the Amherst Writers and Artists, which is outlined below and is fully described in founder Pat Schneider’s book Writing Alone and With Others (Oxford University Press, 2003)

The AWA method is based in the following philosophy. These affirmations rest on a definition of personhood based in equality, and a definition of writing as an art form available to all persons.

  1. Everyone has a strong, unique voice.

  2. Everyone is born with creative genius.

  3. Writing as an art form belongs to all people, regardless of economic class or educational level.

  4. The teaching of craft can be done without damage to a writer’s original voice or artistic self-esteem.

  5. A writer is someone who writes.

Essential Practices

The following practices establish a safe environment where everyone is free to explore within their own writing and listen to each other with respect.

  1. Everyone’s writing, including the leader’s, is treated with equal respect and value.

  2. Writing is kept confidential and treated as fiction.

  3. Writers can refrain from reading their work aloud.

  4. Responses to just-written work reflect what is strong and successful.

  5. Responses and exercises support the development of literary craft.

Learn more about Nina’s writings — book, stories, and articles — here.

Refund Policy

We do our best to keep our fees very affordable and hope you understand that there are many administrative hours and costs that are involved in running our programs. We also understand that things come up for people and want to accommodate your change of plans as best we can. So here is our refund policy:

The registration fee for Motion’s online and in person events is non-refundable. If you withdraw within two weeks prior to the first session, the fee you paid can be applied to a future Motion Theater workshop within one year (less 20% processing fee).

* All ONLINE workshop sessions are recorded and available for 4 weeks after the final workshop session. The links will be sent to you each week (only for those registered for a multi-week series).

* Motion will consider refund requests due to an extraordinary circumstance or emergency on a case by case basis if you withdraw within one week prior to the first session. To request a refund of this nature, please contact us and explain your situation.